What is TripsPro?
TripsPro includes Trips, but also a Control Tower function and customized branding of documents. Additional TripsPro services are under development.
TripsPro includes Trips, but also a Control Tower function and customized branding of documents. Additional TripsPro services are under development.
Add or delete your authorized tour leaders and see all your trips and their status in one view
Set up your own proprietary content profile - special codes, frequency markers, hitrate, etc
Copy including all your proprietary content for the trip - change dates, tour leader, adjust the itinerary,...
Brand your checklists & annotated trip report exactly as you have it today - when you want to change let us know
Want to know more?
The iGoTerra team is ready to answer your questions and implement your ideas
For support issues: trips-support@igoterra.com
For other topics: info@igoterra.com